Tips to Fight Dandruff!

What Causes Dandruff?
Your scalp is made up of skin. Most of the time when the skin sheds its dead skin cells, we hardly notice it. When you start seeing flakes or what we call as dandruff, this means that your scalp is shedding dead skin cells at a much faster rate than normal. It is still unclear what exactly causes dandruff. Hormones are believed to play a role since this scalp problem usually starts peaking during adolescent years. A type of yeast that grows on the scalp is also suspected to play a role. Many people still believe that dandruff is due to poor hygiene but this is not true. Here are other things that can cause dandruff:
- Shampooing the hair too often or not often enough
- Not rinsing out the shampoo too well
- The cold weather
- Stress
- Certain chemicals in hair products
- Certain skin conditions such as scalp psoriasis and eczema
- Some medical conditions can also trigger dandruff
Who Gets Dandruff?
It is possible that anyone can get dandruff. But there are certain factors that can increase one’s chances of experiencing dandruff. Men are more prone to having dandruff. Being overweight, having an oily skin can also increase your chances of having it.
How to Deal with Dandruff
- People with dandruff often avoid wearing dark clothes since it makes the white flakes that have fallen very visible. But if you want to start wearing dark clothes again, try these tips to beat your dandruff problem.
- Wash your hair more often. Keeping your head clean is important in fighting dandruff. In some cases, daily shampoo is required for a time. If you only have a mild case of dandruff, a regular shampoo will do.
- Use our The Australian Organic Argan Oil Shampoo. There are lots of shampoos especially formulated to fight this scalp problem. However, our organic Argan Oil Shampoo is formulated with Cold Pressed Certified Organic Argan Oil – rich in natural vitamin E, omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids. You can use daily it will nourishes, detangles and condition your hair. It may take a few tries for you to get rid off the dandruff. So don’t give up on your first few tries.
- Stop yourself from scratching. Yes, dandruff can get very itchy but scratching will do nothing good. In fact, constant scratching can lead to bleeding or hair loss.
- Condition your hair with our The Australian Organic Argan Oil Conditioner after using our shampoo. Our conditioner is an excellent natural hair conditioner. The moisturizing properties of the Argan oil is believed to come from Vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and sterols.
- Use our The Australian Organic Argan Oil Hair Mask which is a professional haircare product, crafted by industry experts using plenty of powerful natural and organic ingredients. Formulated with Cold Pressed Certified Pure Organic Argan Oil -strengthens the hair with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Packs hair with hydration and moisture improving the hair quality and health. Stimulates, soothes and heals scalp and hair follicles so it will naturally help you to get rid off the dandruff.
- Use our The Australian Organic Hair Treatment Serum as an overnight deep-treatment that can be washed out the following morning. This treatment will nourishes your scalp and hair with the nutrients it needs most. You can use daily for and once your flakes have fled, you can cut it down to just every other wash.
- Consult a doctor. This would be the most ideal thing to do if all the tips won't improve your situation. The doctor can prescribe you the best anti-dandruff suited for your scalp.